Putty the escapists
Putty the escapists

putty the escapists putty the escapists

There are a number of escape methods including inciting riots, via vents, tunnels, roofs, among others. Inmates must be careful to hide all contraband as guards will periodically search the inmates' desks, and if caught with contraband, it is removed from their inventory and the player is sent into solitary confinement and any damage such as chipped walls, broken vents and tunnels are repaired and the weapon is removed. An inmate can skip a meal, showers and exercise without much penalty, however, all roll calls are mandatory and lockdowns will occur if the player character does not attend. Each prison has their own daily routines, such as meals, work, exercise and showers. Inmate favours can range from getting them a roll of duct tape to distracting the guards at roll call.Įngaging in exercise and using the library allows players to levels up their characters statics such as strength, speed, and intelligence which improves their abilities and their chance of escape. Players can do favours for fellow inmates, once the favour is completed the player is rewarded a certain amount of money based on the inmate's opinion of the player. Players can acquire various items to aid in their escape by buying or stealing them from other inmates, or by crafting them by combining two or three items, such as toothpaste and talcum powder which crafts putty that a key can be imprinted then moulded with. Once the names are selected the game starts from day 1 waking up in the player character's cell. In the beginning, the player selects their name and can choose the names of prisoners and guards if desired. There are additional prisons released as downloadable content (DLC) which can be played in any order regardless of the player's progress. Each time a prison is escaped the next prison is unlocked. In The Escapists, the player, who assumes the role of a prisoner, must escape from six primary prisons ranging from very easy to very hard.

Putty the escapists